Pollen data suggests that the forest composition underwent drastic changes associated with the North Atlantic Cycles. During Greenland warm interstadials the vegetation consisted of a cold moist assemblage dominated by Quercus, Ambrosia, Myrica, Myrsine, and Alnus. Conversely, Heinrich Events caused an almost complete replacement of this association by xerophitic shrublands dominated by Acacia, Celtis, Dodonaea and Poaceae. During Greenland cold interstadials that were not associated with Heinrich Events, a mixture between these two forest types was evident. Changes in moisture availability that were inferred from magnetic susceptibility (Hodell et a. 2008) were more finally resolved by multivariate ordination of the pollen data. Fire-associated Pinus forests were prevalent during periods when peaks of seasonal insolation difference occurred, overriding the signal from the North Atlantic. The vegetation of the tropical Central American lowlands is responsive to global climatic phenomena. The composition and structure of the vegetation communities shows sensitivity to high-latitude climatic processes that take place at centennial to millennial scales. Understanding the temporal and spatial nature of these relationships could shed light on the processes and patterns of modern climate change.