Results/Conclusions Populations were genetically differentiated along the altitude gradient (Wilk's lambda = 0.45, p < 0.0001). Altitude explained 55% of the multivariate trait variation, based on the squared canonical correlation. Based on univariate regressions, above-ground mass, mass per seed, number of seeds, number of rosette leaves at bolting and age at flowering time increased significantly with altitude, while % allocation to roots and number of leaves produced during vernalization decreased with altitutude, Trade-offs associated with altitude were observed in growth in cold temperatures, allocation to roots, and early flowering vs. total growth, seed number and growth after vernalization. We interpret this gradient as indicating divergent growth and life history strategies across the gradient. At the two extremes, the low altitude plants along the Mediterranean coast maximize growth during the relatively warm and moist Mediterranean winter, produce extra roots and flower early as mechanisms of drought tolerance and avoidance respectively. At high altitudes in contrast plants grow more in the fall, less in the winter, probably as a consequence of freeze tolerance (not measured), grow more in the spring, delay flowering, and produce greater lifetime biomass and seeds. Thus Arabidopsis thaliana adaptively adjusts timing and allocation to take advantage of seasonal shifts in temperature and moisture availability across its altitudinal range.