Tuesday, August 3, 2010: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM | |||
406, David L Lawrence Convention Center | |||
COS 16 - Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change II | |||
8:00 AM | COS 16-1 | Longer vegetative seasons and colder winters may be responsible for increased net ecosystem productivity in a deciduous forest in south-central Indiana Craig Wayson, U.S. Forest Service, Danilo Dragoni, Indiana University, Henry Potter, University of Miami, Hans Peter Schmid, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, C.S.B. Grimmond, Kings College London, J. C. Randolph, Indiana University | |
8:20 AM | COS 16-2 | When is the sink full? Carbon stocks in old growth forests in northern New England Coeli M. Hoover, US Forest Service, William B. Leak, US Forest Service, Brian G. Keel, US Forest Service | |
8:40 AM | COS 16-3 | Nitrogen-induced plant species shift constrains response of ecosystem productivity to elevated CO2 J. Adam Langley, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, J. Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | |
9:00 AM | COS 16-4 | Mechanisms behind CO2-induced increases in soil respiration: Results from a Minnesota grassland N, diversity, and elevated CO2 experiment E. Carol Adair, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota, Jared Trost, USGS MN Water Science Center, Sarah E. Hobbie, University of Minnesota | |
9:20 AM | COS 16-5 | Drought induced shifts in plant composition alter nitrogen cycling in a piñon-juniper woodland Melissa A. Cregger, University of Tennessee, Nate G. McDowell, Los Alamos National Laboratory, William T. Pockman, University of New Mexico, Aimee T. Classen, University of Tennessee | |
9:40 AM | Break | ||
9:50 AM | COS 16-6 | MOVED TO COS 98, THURS 4:40 -- Effects of temperature and source on organic matter leaching and decomposition in Baltimore urban area Shuiwang Duan, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Sujay S. Kaushal, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Peter M. Groffman, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Stuart E.G. Findlay, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Melissa M. Grese, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Tamara A. Newcomer, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Michael Pennino, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Casey Sperling, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science | |
10:10 AM | COS 16-7 | Effects of deep-soil warming on ecosystem carbon balance in Alaskan tundra Susan M. Natali, University of Florida, Edward A.G. Schuur, University of Florida, Andres F. Baron Lopez, University of Florida, Kathryn G. Crummer, University of Florida, Caitlin E. Hicks, University of Florida, Christian Trucco, University of Florida | |
10:30 AM | COS 16-8 | Daily soil temperature fluctuation as a driver of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Chihuahuan Desert creosotebush bajada Natasja C. Van Gestel, Texas Tech University, Stephen B. Cox, Texas Tech University, Rich E. Strauss, Texas Tech University, Dylan Schwilk, Texas Tech University, David T. Tissue, University of Western Sydney, John C. Zak, Texas Tech University | |
10:50 AM | COS 16-9 | Seasonal photosynthetic acclimation of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis may affect net carbon fixation potential under future rainfall regimes Kirsten K. Coe, Cornell University, Jayne Belnap, USGS, Jed P. Sparks, Cornell University | |
11:10 AM | COS 16-10 | Extracellular enzyme responses to litter and rainfall manipulations in a lowland tropical forest Samantha A. Weintraub, University of Colorado, William R. Wieder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder, Cory C. Cleveland, University of Montana, Alan R. Townsend, University of Colorado, Boulder |
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See more of The 95th ESA Annual Meeting (August 1 -- 6, 2010)