Monday, August 2, 2010: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
411, David L Lawrence Convention Center
COS 11 - Invasion
1:30 PMUse of limestone gravel on forest roads increases abundance of Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass)
Andrea N. Nord, The Pennsylvania State University, David A. Mortensen, The Pennsylvania State University
1:50 PMResponse of kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) to different types and levels of simulated insect herbivore damage
Matthew J. Frye, University of Delaware, Judith Hough-Goldstein, University of Delaware
2:10 PMWhat determines plant establishment success? A multi-species introduction experiment
Anne Kempel, University of Bern, Thomas Chrobock, University of Bern, Markus Fischer, University of Bern, Mark van Kleunen, University of Bern
2:30 PMCANCELLED - Old paradigms and new threats: Propagule pressure, predation and invasion success
Luke H. Hedge, The University of New South Wales, Emma L. Johnston, The University of New South Wales
2:50 PMMorphology, water relations, and the invasive success of Rubus armeniacus in the Pacific Northwest
Joshua S. Caplan, Portland State University, J. Alan Yeakley, Portland State University
3:10 PMBreak
3:20 PMSpecies invasions following climate manipulations in an infertile temperate grassland
Barbara Moser, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Jason Fridley, Syracuse University, J. Philip Grime, University of Sheffield, Ken Thompson, University of Sheffield
3:40 PMDestruction without extinction: Long-term impacts of invasive tree in Gal�pagos
Heinke J�ger, Technische Universit�t Berlin, Ingo Kowarik, Technische Universit�t Berlin
4:00 PMCANCELLED - A global scale population genetic study of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), the world's most successful aquatic plant invader
Yuan-Ye Zhang, University of Bern, Da-Yong Zhang, Beijing Normal University, Spencer C. H. Barrett, University of Toronto
4:20 PMPredicting the potential range expansion of the invasive Lonicera japonica in the United States under current and future climate conditions
Carolyn M. Beans, University of Virginia, Francis F. Kilkenny, University of Virginia, Laura F. Galloway, University of Virginia
4:40 PMFlammability of native and non-native grass-dominated sites within a subtropical dry forest in Puerto Rico
Jarrod M. Thaxton, University of Puerto Rico, Skip J. Van Bloem, University of Puerto Rico

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