SYMP 23-7 - CANCELLED - Implementing ecosystem-based management: Feds, states, and stakeholders

Friday, August 6, 2010: 10:30 AM
403-405, David L Lawrence Convention Center
Andrew A. Rosenberg, Conservation International

Marine ecosystem based management is a challenge for science as understanding how ecosystem structure and function leads to the production of ecosystem services evokes a complex set of research questions.  It is equally a challenge for policy makers and those implementing policy to form a governance system that can deal with complex ecosystem interactions and the interactions between sectors of human activity.  In order to form that governance system requires action by government at all levels as well as stakeholder groups in a way that is fundamentally different from the current, disjointed management system.


Here I consider the development of the governance system at federal and state levels and argue for the role of a stakeholder process that is inclusive and forward looking rather than reactive.  The development of the Massachusetts Oceans Plan and the National Ocean Policy efforts are both opportunities and examples in process.

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