COS 7-2 - Building a better ecology textbook from the ground up: A preview of the SimUText Climate Change i-chapter

Monday, August 2, 2010: 1:50 PM
336, David L Lawrence Convention Center
Eli Meir1, John Roach2, Susan Maruca1, Eleanor Steinberg2, Simon Bird2, Derek Stal2 and Jennifer Wallner2, (1)SimBio, Cambridge, MA, (2)SimBiotic Software, Ithaca, NY

Electronic or "e-texts" are the current buzz in academic publishing, but most e-texts currently on the market are essentially just scanned versions of existing texts with accompanying web pages. At SimBiotic Software we have taken a completely different tact, rethinking the textbook concept from the ground-up. With support from the National Science Foundation, we have been developing the SimUText® Active Learning System, a new learning environment that offers interactive chapters that are inquiry-driven. Sections of text are integrated with simulations and animations that provide students with instant feedback on their work and offer instructors means to monitor individual student and class progress.


Building on our experience and codebase from our widely-used EcoBeaker simulated labs, our first collection of SimUText interactive chapters offers a dynamic replacement for the traditional Ecology textbook. This talk presents our SimUText i-chapter on the science of climate change to demonstrate how an inquiry-driven interactive textbook can teach concepts that otherwise can be dry and/or difficult to grasp. We also present preliminary data from assessments of students and professors who have used SimUText in classes over the past year, indicating that our approach is effective.

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