Biodiversity loss has reached proportions that led to forewarnings of a sixth mass extinction event. Ecosystems are losing species at higher rates than the normal background rate measured in
fossil records. Predictions for the future are of even higher rates. Current estimates are based on a combination of theoretical studies and empirical data, and focus on single species population
dynamics. We believe that considering ecosystems at a multispecies level will bring a more accurate predictive understanding of the extinction process. Single species models can be improved
and extended to multispecies communities In this poster we present a first step in that direction. Assuming constant presence of predators, we derive a single-species stochastic birth-death
process and investigate the effect of different kinds of density-dependence in death due to predation. In particular we consider the case where predation death has a component that increases as
population numbers decrease (a functional response type II term).
Classical results show that the mean time to extinction of a population subjected to only demographic stochasticity is exponential in the carrying capacity of the population. Using techniques
borrowed from many-particles quantum mechanics and stochastic calculus we give this dependence, in relation to different predator functional responses. We show that the presence of a non-
linear functional response alters the shape of the mean time to extinction of models in which non linearity is not included. Moreover we derive accurate approximations to describe the extinction
process and the effect of large fluctuations on the time to extinction of populations subjected to demographic stochasticity. We use predator removal experiments in microcosms with a large
generalist predator (i.e. Stentor) to test our predictions. We find that Stentor well represents the constant predator assumption. We compare the mean time to exticntion of different prey to our
models and we show that linear functional response (type I) represent our data. We then propose new experimental design to test further the effect of predation on the mean time to extinction.