COS 150-7 - High-elevation soils and lake sediments as sources of P to aquatic ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, CA

Thursday, August 9, 2012: 3:40 PM
B115, Oregon Convention Center
Peter M. Homyak, Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, James O. Sickman, Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA and John Melack, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA

High-elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada are experiencing changing nutrient loading with concomitant shifts between P to N limitation of phytoplankton growth.  Because N inputs have remained relatively constant (20+ years), increases in P supply are presumably influencing changes.  We hypothesized that internal P loading from lake sediments and altered biogeochemical cycling in watershed soils, due to climate variations, are increasing P supply to high-elevation lakes.  We evaluated P pools in soils and sediments using a sequential fractionation procedure and measured rates of P release during in-situ sediment core incubations.


We found that high-elevation soils are not P-deficient and on average contain 867 µg P g-1 in A horizons and 597 µg P g-1 in B horizons.  Of the total P found in soils, organic P (Po) accounts for ca. 60%, with labile pools of Po approximately doubling in content from winter through summer.  In sediments, P concentrations are highest at the surface (1,445 µg P g-1; 0-2 cm) and decrease gradually with depth (793 µg P g-1; 20-30cm), presumably suggesting a shift to a more eutrophic state.  However, of the total P, only 18 % is freely exchangeable or associated with reducible metal hydroxides.  In both soils and sediments, Al controls the biogeochemistry of P, such that P retention in soil is high, and P is not significantly released from sediments even during hypolimnetic anoxia (0.05-0.1 µg P L-1 h-1).  In lakes, 57 % of the variation in total dissolved P is best explained by Si, particulate C, and dissolved organic N concentrations and not by sediment P content.  We conclude that internal P loading is not driving the eutrophication of Sierran lakes, and propose that a synergistic effect between a warming climate and increased rates of atmospheric N and P deposition, may be enhancing C storage in soils and thereby the soil Po pool, of which labile forms of P may be transferred to Sierran lakes.