In this respect, the paper will assess and introduce a comprehensive model called Ecological Footprint of US (EFUS) that can describe the status of our ecosystems productivities and the impacts of human population on the USA earth boundaries. Furthermore the paper will provide some answers to the human issues in USA, further warning to the current trend in use and abuse of our natural ecosystems and what will be expecting from these ecosystems to provide the human needs in response to the current use of US ecosystems exist.
It is clear from the analysis of (EFUS) using Stella modelling software, that the USA will reach 450 million people or more in year 2050, and this will overload the ecosystems with heavy demands and consumptions for goods and services that these ecosystems can produce or cannot produce for the next generations. It is expected that model will assess the impacts of ecological footprint of human population in US from ecological transformation of land-use, and economic impacts, locally in US and on the global scale. From the analysis, the model predicted that the US biological capacity will be degrading to the extent that the ecosystems will not be able to support the growing populations, and there will be shortage of food and other services. It is expected that the need about twice the land of current land of US to meet the demands from our ecosystems to support the growing population. The model developed on relaxed assumption, moderate assumption and conservative assumption of human population growth. The model predicted the impacts for the next century. The model gives several recommendations