PS 92-75 - Foliar elemental composition of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda, L.) forest after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization

Friday, August 10, 2012
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
Chris A. Maier, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC

The relationship between soil nutrient availability, canopy biomass production, and nutrient content will determine the potential for a forest to capture and store carbon.  At the Duke Free Air CO2 Enrichment site (FACE), long-term exposure to elevated CO2 has resulted in sustained increases (22-30%) in plant net primary production (NPP) in a loblolly pine forest.  Soil nitrogen (N) availability controlled the spatial variation in NPP among CO2 treatment plots.  To explore further the role of N on the CO2 response, each ring in the FACE experiment was divided in half and one-half fertilized annually with 112 kg N ha-1.  This paper examines the temporal and spatial variation in foliar macronutrients (N, P, Mg, Ca, and K) concentration, content, retranslocation, internal balance, and variation within the crown after 14 years of elevated CO2 (C) exposure and 5 years of N fertilization.  Two questions were posed: 1. Has long-term exposure to elevated CO2 induced nutrient deficiency (N and possibly other nutrients), altered foliage and litter nutrient contents, and retranslocation?, and 2.  Will N-only fertilization induce foliar nutrient imbalances with P or other nutrients and if so, do these imbalances affect the CO2-induced increase in NPP? 


Results indicate that the chemical composition of foliage was largely unaffected by elevated CO2 while N fertilization increased [N] and decreased [P].  There was a marginal CxN interaction (p=0.08) for [N] in one-year-old foliage, where [N] was increased to a lesser extent under elevated CO2.  Nitrogen concentration increased with crown height, while concentrations of P, Mg, Ca, and K decreased.  Nutrient retranslocation in one year-old foliage ranged from 46.2-88.2%, 46.8-88.0%, 10.3-60.0%, 58.0-93.6%, and <15% respectively for N, P, Mg, K, and Ca and generally were greater in upper than lower canopy.  In fertilized plots, N retranslocation increased in ambient CO2 and decreased in elevated CO2 (CxN: p=0.02) suggesting a reduction in nutrient use efficiency in the elevated and fertilized treatments.  In general, the effect of elevated CO2 on canopy nutrient dynamics were not large.  N-fertilization increased foliar N and decreased P, but had little effect on other nutrients and there were few CxN interactions.  N-fertilization resulted in significant reductions in P:N and K:N ratios, which could have long-term implications for stand growth.