PS 91 - Latebreaking: Biogeochemistry

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
 A global analysis of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in terrestrial ecosystems: Magnitude, stoichiometry, and pool size
Xiaofeng Xu, Auburn University, AL; Peter E. Thornton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Wilfred M. Post, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
 Landscape level characterization of the aquatic biogeochemistry and terrestrial landcover of Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, México
Jorge Ramos Jr., Arizona State University; Jessica R. Corman, Arizona State University; Valeria Souza, UNAM Instituto de Ecología; Daniel L. Childers, Arizona State University; James J. Elser, Arizona State University
 Carbon dioxide as a contributor to seasonal pH shifts in Neotropical rainforest streams
Carissa N. Ganong, University of Georgia; John H. Duff, U.S. Geological Survey; Catherine M. Pringle, University of Georgia
 Earthworms effects on soil respiration in a sub-tropical wet forest in Puerto Rico
Dylan J. Rhea-Fournier, University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras; Grizelle González, International Institute for Tropical Forestry
 Interactions between intertidal macroalgae and ammonium-oxidizing microbes in the presence of ammonium, a shared resource
Orissa M. Moulton, University of Chicago; Catherine A. Pfister, University of Chicago
 Enzyme activities of mesofaunal endosymbionts across host species and ecosystem
Amanda B. Daly, University of New Hampshire; Kyle Wickings, University of New Hampshire; A. Stuart Grandy, University of New Hampshire
 The impacts of elevated CO2 and O3 on stand development processes in northern temperate forests
Alan Talhelm, University of Idaho; Courtney E. Campany, University of Idaho; Mark E. Kubiske, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Donald R. Zak, University of Michigan; Kurt S. Pregitzer, University of Idaho
 Differences in carbon storage between seasonal and permanent wetland in agricultural ecosystems
Zehra Yigit Avdan, University of the Pacific; William T. Stringfellow, University of the Pacific; Jeremy Hanlon, University of the Pacific; Peter Swarzenski, USGS
 Predicting stream nitrogen fluxes with patterns of watershed soil moisture
Joseph Pignatello Reid, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
See more of: Latebreakers