PS 95 - Latebreaking: Conservation Management

Friday, August 10, 2012: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
 Restoration Map: a web-based tool for spatially explicit planning of ecological restoration projects
William A. Freyman, Northeastern Illinois University; Stephen Packard, National Audubon Society; Justin Pepper, National Audubon Society
 Roles of culturally protected forests in biodiversity conservation in southeast China
Hong Gao, Research center for eco-environmental sciences, Chinese Academy of sciences.
 Reproductive biology of the endangered artesian spring endemic forb Eriocaulon carsonii (Eriocaulaceae) in arid south Australia
Richard JP Davies, Outback Ecology; Duncan A. Mackay, Flinders University; Molly A. Whalen, Flinders University
 Branding cattle ranchers: A latent class analysis approach to characterizing patterns in rancher decision-making that alter rangeland ecosystems in California
Bethany B. Cutts, University of Illinois; Mark Lubell, University of California Davis; Matthew Hamilton, University of California, Davis; Leslie M. Roche, University of California Davis; Justin D. Derner, Rangeland Resources Research Unit; Melvin R. George, University of California-Davis; Valerie T. Eviner, University of California Davis; Kenneth W. Tate, University of California-Davis
 Developing regionally-specific wildflower mixes for pollinator habitat restoration in farmland: Lessons from Michigan
Emily May, Michigan State University; Julianna K. Tuell, Michigan State University; Keith Mason, Michigan State University; Ashley Leach, Michigan State University; Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University
 The effects of litter depth on germination rates in the serpentine endemic Boechera constancei
Erica J. Case, University of California, Davis; Rachael L. Olliff, Humboldt State University
 The cost of protecting biodiversity in harvested metacommunities
Emily A. Moberg, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Michael G. Neubert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
 Identifying long-term climatic refugia for amphibians in a global hotspot of diversity
Kyle Barrett, Clemson University; Nathan Nibbelink, University of Georgia; John C. Maerz, University of Georgia
 Many birds land but few appear to die in the tailings ponds of Alberta’s Oil Sands
Colleen C. St. Clair, University of Alberta; Robert A. Ronconi, Acadia University; Thomas Habib, University of Alberta; Sarina Loots, University of Alberta; Jeff Ball, University of Alberta; Cindy McCallum, University of Alberta
 Rapid determination of comparative drought tolerance traits: Using an osmometer to predict turgor loss point
Megan K. Bartlett, Princeton University; Christine Scoffoni, UCLA; Ya Zhang, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardens; Rico Ardy, UCLA; Shanwen Sun, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden; Kunfang Cao, Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology; Lawren Sack, UCLA
 Biotic homogenization in bee communities
Tina Harrison, Rutgers University
 Program to eradicate populations of invasive Argentine ants in ecologically sensitive areas
Christina L. Boser, The Nature Conservancy; Kate Roney Faulkner, National Park Service; Coleen Cory, The Nature Conservancy; Lotus A. Vermeer, The Nature Conservancy; John M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy; Scott A. Morrison, The Nature Conservancy
 Patterns of plant endangerment on California’s Channel Islands
Sarah E. Ratay, University of California, Los Angeles; Philip W. Rundel, University of California, Los Angeles
See more of: Latebreakers