PS 10-93
Partitioning root and heterotrophic respiration from soil CO2 efflux in clonal loblolly pine plantations that differ in growth efficiency and carbon allocation

Monday, August 5, 2013
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
Chris A. Maier, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC
Daniel McInnis, Southern Research Station, US Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC
Kurt H. Johnsen, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC

In forest ecosystems, soil CO2 efflux (Sf) accounts for >50% of ecosystem respiration.  Quantifying root (Ra) and heterotrophic (Rh) respiration components of Sf is important for predicting how forest carbon cycling will respond to changes in climate and management.  Small changes in Ra and Rh can greatly alter net ecosystem productivity and soil carbon storage.  We measured Sf in an eight-year-old loblolly pine clone by silviculture study to determine how genotype and soil organic matter influence Ra (root and symbiotic mycorrhiza) and Rh.  Two fast growing clones were employed.  Both clones had similar stem growth rates; however, the broad-crown ideotype (BC) had greater leaf (15-20%) and fine-root biomass than the narrow crown ideotype (NC).  Soil organic matter treatments consisted of no addition (-LR) and addition of 25 Mg ha-1 comminuted logging debris (+LR) incorporated into the soil at planting.  A 10.7cm diameter by 20cm root exclusion pipe was used to halt Ra.  Ra was estimated as the difference in a Sf measured prior to pipe installation and again after when Sf had stabilized (80-95 days).  Measurements were made quarterly.  We hypothesized that 1) because of greater leaf and fine-root biomass, the BC clone would have greater Sf, Ra, and Rh compared to the NC clone, and 2) incorporation of LR would increase Sf and Rh.


Sf ranged from 3.4 umol m-2 s-1 in March to greater than 15 umol m-2 s-1 in July.  Incorporation of LR (+LR) increased Sf by 15% (p=0.04) compared to –LR treatments.  Clone had no effect on Sf and there was no clone x LR interaction; however, there was a strong clone x season interaction (p=0.008), where Sf in the BC clone had 17% greater Sf than the NC clone during the growing season.  The root exclusion pipe significantly reduced Sf and the magnitude of the response varied with season and treatment.  Ra as a proportion of Sf was greater in the summer (32%) than in the spring (13%) or fall (22%).  There were no clone, LR, or clone x LR effects on Ra.  The clone treatment had no effect on Rh; however, +LR treatments increased Rh 25% compared to –LR (p=0.0001).  These early results suggest that genotype and management can have significant effects on Sf, Ra, and Rh. Establishing the seasonal variation in the relationship between Sf, Ra, and Rh will help define carbon partitioning rules and improve our ability to  accurately model carbon sequestration.