COS 21-8
Widespread and ecologically meaningful rock nitrogen contributions to terrestrial ecosystems

Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 10:30 AM
L100A, Minneapolis Convention Center
Scott L. Morford, Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Benjamin Z. Houlton, Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Randy A. Dahlgren, Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

The standard model of the nitrogen (N) cycle suggests new N enters ecosystems solely from the atmosphere, yet roughly 99% of all earth’s fixed N is in the geosphere. Rock weathering has been implicated as a primary N input pathway in some ecosystems, but its broader significance to terrestrial plants and soils remains uncertain. Here we investigate the regional distribution of N in rock reservoirs across the Pacific Southwest and the potential for bedrock to contribute meaningfully to ecosystem N subsidies. Our approach involved quantifying N in diverse rock types from across the region, using plant 15N/14N to investigate ecosystem N status, and applying mass balance techniques to quantify N removal from soil minerals.  First, we performed extensive sampling of geologic material - analyzing the N content of over 1000 geologic samples from 531 locations. In addition to rock analysis, we also collected foliage from 34 forests to contrast 15N/14N isotope values of rock and foliage at sites with and without substantial rock N reservoirs. Second, at three diverse forested sites in the Klamath Mountains we quantified N removal from minerals by combining classic methods for quantifying fixed-N in soil minerals with standard mass balance methods for quantifying chemical weathering.


Our results indicate that N-rich parent materials are both common and widely distributed across terrestrial ecosystems, with fine-grained clastics (median = 680 mg N kg-1) containing more N than coarse-grained clastics (240 mg N kg-1) and carbonates (327 mg N kg-1) among sedimentary substrates. In contrast, volcanic and plutonic protoliths contained little N (<100 mg kg-1), indicating only minor contributions of rock N sources to ecosystems developing on igneous substrates. Foliar 15N/14N was positively correlated with rock N across our sites, with average foliar 15N/14N of -2.1‰ vs. 1.5‰ for sites with low rock N ( <500 mg kg-1) and high rock N ( >500 mg kg-1), respectively.  Applying these data to a simple model suggests that more than 30% of regional ecosystems may receive substantial subsidies from rock, especially on sedimentary substrates, where we calculate rock account for 15-70% of total N inputs. Furthermore, our mass balance analysis shows that rock sources can contribute 4.7 - 6.4 Mg N ha-1 to aggrading forest vegetation and soils, accounting for as much as 80% of ecosystem N accumulation.  We conclude that rock N reservoirs are both widespread and ecologically meaningful in many different types of ecosystems that reside on sedimentary substrates.