Ecology Across Borders: International, National, and Cultural Challenges of Managing Species Internationally

Wednesday, August 7, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
205AB, Minneapolis Convention Center
Gillian Bowser, Colorado State University
Harold Balbach, US Army ERDC
Gillian Bowser, Colorado State University
While humans are usually highly aware of national and international boundaries, migratory species don’t see any, and routinely ignore them. Therefore, policies and regulations designed to support and maintain such species in one country normally have no effect in adjoining jurisdictions. The concern is even greater when the species is considered at risk in one or more of its habitats. What ARE the mechanisms by which these issues may be resolved? Do they work in practice? What are the types of conflicts which typically arise? Are they the result of lack of knowledge about the species? Different national policy? A different cultural outlook about the issues involved? Concern about potential financial burdens? Maybe a mix of more than one concern? The differences, where they arise, are rarely so clear-cut that only one aspect is involved. Most cross-border issues are complex matrices of numerous issues, large and small. While tuna know no boundaries and migratory birds and animals cross political and ecological borders with ease, the mechanisms, tools and governance that protect these highly migratory species operates in the spaces between science and policy. Here we will create a dialogue with some of the professional treaty negotiators working on international fisheries, migratory birds and endangered species with some top ecologists to explore the science, governance and management of ecology across borders.
Applied Ecology Section
1:30 PM
 Offset philosophies across the pond: Differences and commonalities of US and UK environmental mitigation strategies
Peter Burston, ENVIRON International Corporation; Rick Black, ENVIRON International Coroporation
2:30 PM
 Studying birds in the context of the annual cycle: Carry-over effects and seasonal interactions
Chris Eberly, Department of Defense Partners in Flight; Peter Marra, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
3:00 PM
See more of: Symposia