FT 14
Greening in Downtown Minneapolis: A Walking Tour of the Loring Greenway and Loring Park
Greening in Downtown Minneapolis: A Walking Tour of the Loring Greenway and Loring Park
Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Level One, Reg Area, 3rd Ave South Lobby, Minneapolis Convention Center
Sherry Brooks, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Lee Frelich, University of Minnesota
Registration Fee: $0
Equipment and Attire: Summer street clothes will be appropriate. We will walk about 1 mile on paved walkways and lawns on relatively flat terrain. The walk will not be strenuous.
Itinerary: 1:00 PM Leave Convention center 1:10 arrive at Loring Greenway 1:40 arrive at Loring Park 2:10 leave Loring Park, and return to convention center by 2:30
See more of: Field Trips