COS 26
Forest And Rangeland Management

Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
L100F, Minneapolis Convention Center
8:00 AM
 Changes within a single land-use category, forests: threat to biodiversity of saproxylic organisms in terrestrial ecosystems?
Witoon Purahong, UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Dirk Krüger, UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Tobias Arnstadt, International Graduate School Zittau – IHI Zittau; Tiemo Kahl, University of Freiburg; Michael Schloter, Helmholtz Zentrum München; Francois Buscot, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ; Jürgen Bauhus, University of Freiburg
8:20 AM Cancelled
 Abundance of tree cavities in forests of the Upper Midwest, USA
Mark Nelson, USDA Forest Service; Charlotte L. Roy, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
8:40 AM
 Imputation of continuous tree suitability over the Continental United States from sparse measurements
Jitendra Kumar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; William Hargrove, USDA Forest Service, Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center; Forrest M. Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Kevin Potter, North Carolina State University
9:00 AM Cancelled
 Forest carbon management and offsets: Are private forest landowners interested?
Stephanie A. Snyder, USDA Forest Service; Kristell A. Miller, University of Minnesota; Michael A. Kilgore, University of Minnesota
9:20 AM
 Understanding maternal effects in long-lived plant species to improve genotype selection for conservation
Erin Meier Borgman, Colorado State University; Anna W. Schoettle, Rocky Mountain Research Station; Amy L. Angert, University of British Columbia
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Logging residue harvest effects on plant community dynamics in commercial Populus stands of the Great Lakes region
Michael I. Premer, Michigan Technological University; Robert E. Froese, Michigan Technological University; Linda M. Nagel, University of Minnesota
10:10 AM
 Fifteen-year patterns of soil carbon and nitrogen following organic matter removal in upper Great Lakes forests
Valerie J. Kurth, University of Minnesota; Anthony W. D'Amato, University of Minnesota; John B. Bradford, U.S. Geological Survey; Brian J. Palik, USDA Forest Service
10:30 AM
 Quantifying resilience on western rangelands: New techniques with legacy data
Matthew A. Williamson, Grand Canyon Trust; R. Travis Belote, The Wilderness Society; Matthew Bowker, Northern Arizona University
10:50 AM
 Using remote sensing and field data to assess forest condition and conservation strategy effectiveness in a large multi-owner landscape in northern Minnesota
Mark A. White, The Nature Conservancy; Peter T. Wolter, Iowa State University; Meredith W. Cornett, The Nature Conservancy
11:10 AM
 Seven decades of forest change in the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA
Christopher R. Dolanc, University of California, Davis