COS 102
Disease And Epidemiology IV

Thursday, August 8, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
L100A, Minneapolis Convention Center
1:30 PM
 Network-based vaccination improves prospects for disease control in wild chimpanzee
Julie L. Rushmore, University of Georgia; Damien Caillaud, The University of Texas at Austin; Richard J. Hall, University of Georgia; Rebecca M. Stumpf, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lauren Ancel Meyers, The University of Texas at Austin; Sonia Altizer, University of Georgia
1:50 PM

Disease invasion, multi-parasite interactions and conservation: Rift Valley fever and bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Brianna Beechler, Oregon State University; Vanessa O. Ezenwa, University of Georgia; Anna E. Jolles, Oregon State University

2:10 PM
 Fishing drives declines in fish parasite diversity and has variable effects on parasite abundance: Evidence from fished and unfished coral atolls of the Northern Line Islands
Chelsea L. Wood, University of Colorado; Stuart A. Sandin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Brian J. Zgliczynski, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Ana Sofia Guerra, Stanford University; Fiorenza Micheli, Stanford University
2:30 PM
 Fine-scale human movement: theory, data, and implications for dengue virus transmission
T. Alex Perkins, Fogarty International Center, NIH; Andres J. Garcia, University of Florida; Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, Emory University; Donal Bisanzio, Emory University; Robert C. Reiner Jr., University of California, Davis; Steven T. Stoddard, University of California, Davis; David L. Smith, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Thomas Scott, University of California, Davis; Andrew J. Tatem, University of Southampton
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Bacterial communities in ticks and blood from rodent hosts
Evelyn Rynkiewicz, Indiana University; Chris Hemmerich, Indiana University; Douglas B. Rusch, Indiana University; Keith Clay, Indiana University
3:40 PM
 Host physiological traits mediate interspecific and plastic variation in reservoir competence
Miranda E. Welsh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; James P. Cronin, USGS National Wetland Research Center; Charles E. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
4:00 PM
 The ecology of eastern equine encephalitis virus in wildlife and mosquitoes in Minnesota
Amy Kinsley, University of Minnesota; Erika Butler, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Roger Moon, University of Minnesota; Kirk Johnson, Metropolitan Mosquito Control District; Michelle Carstensen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Dave Neitzel, Minnesota Department of Health; Larissa Minicucci, University of Minnesota; Meggan Craft, University of Minnesota
4:20 PM
 Fear your tolerant neighbors: Host defense and vector preference determine disease spillover in an epidemiology model
Adam R. Zeilinger, University of California, Riverside; Matthew P. Daugherty, University of California, Riverside
4:40 PM
 Disease prevalence increases with biodiversity loss through predictable subtraction of host species
Christelle Lacroix, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; Anna E. Jolles, Oregon State University; Eric W. Seabloom, University of Minnesota; Alison G. Power, Cornell University; Charles E. Mitchell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Elizabeth T. Borer, University of Minnesota