PS 79
Latebreaking: Conservation Planning, Policy, And Theory

Friday, August 9, 2013: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
 Estimating forest biomass using AIMS lidar and aerial high-resolution imagery
Danelle Laflower, Mount Holyoke College; Thomas Millette, Mount Holyoke College; Eugenio Marcano, Mount Holyoke College
 Marine reserve performance when layered on existing institutions
Marie L. Fujitani, Arizona State University
 Prescribed grazing of sheep helps native ecosystem to recover function and service on Hawaiian Home Lands in Humu’ula Hawai’i?
Leinaʻala S. Hall, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo; Kealohanuiopuna M. Kinney, University of Maryland; Pelika Bertelmann, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo; Cheyenne Perry, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service; Mike Robinson, East Hawai'i District Office, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands; Alana Ortiz, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo; Melanie Dudley, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
 Scale dependency of biocapacity and the fallacy of unsustainable development
Dongxia Yue, Lanzhou University; Jianjun Guo, Lanzhou University; Cang Hui, Stellenbosch University
 The projected effects of climate change on plant species distributions in tallgrass prairies of Iowa
Kristin H. Kane, Iowa State University; Diane M. Debinski, Iowa State University; Christopher J. Anderson, Iowa State University; John D. Scasta, Oklahoma State University; Dave Engle, Oklahoma State University; James R. Miller, University of Illinois
See more of: Latebreaking Posters