OOS 43-10
Understanding the effects of rainfall variability on dryland vegetation

Thursday, August 14, 2014: 4:40 PM
304/305, Sacramento Convention Center
Milena Holmgren, Resource Ecology Group, University of Wageningen, Wageningen, Netherlands
Marten Scheffer, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands

Rainfall variability is expected to increase with climate warming. We used the MODIS remotely-sensed estimations of tree cover (%) at 1 km2 to explore the patterns of tropical tree cover distribution in relation to rainfall variability.


We found that rainfall variability is associated with reduced tree cover in the wet tropics globally. In contrast, high year-to-year variability is positive (South America), neutral (Africa) or negatively (Australia) related to tree cover in the dry tropics. We reflect on long-term observations to identify potential mechanisms that may explain these contrasting responses of tree cover to extreme rainfall events in drylands.