OOS 33-3
Theoretical modeling C- and N- acquiring exoenzyme activities to balance microbial demands during decomposition

Thursday, August 14, 2014: 8:40 AM
202, Sacramento Convention Center
Daryl L. Moorhead, Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Gwenaëlle Lashermes, Fractionnement des AgroRessources et Environnement, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Reims, France
Robert L. Sinsabaugh, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Michael N. Weintraub, Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

We seek to estimate the allocation of extracellular enzymes by decomposer microorganisms between three general classes of enzymes: one that oxidizes polyphenolic compounds (C3≈lignin), one that hydrolyzes polysaccharides (C2≈holocellulose) and one that hydrolyzes N-containing substrates (C1, e.g., proteins). Our central assumptions are that allocation (1) maximizes total C-yield from C2-C3 complexes (lignocellulose) while (2) simultaneously matching C and N requirements for microbial growth. We then estimate allocation over a range of litter qualities, represented by lignocellulose index (LCI = C3/[C2+C3]) values from 0 to a theoretical maximum of LCImax, and for different quantities of total nitrogen content (i.e., proportional to C1). Reverse Michaelis-Menten (RMM) equations estimate the proportional allocation of the total extracellular enzymes (ET) to oxidative (E3) and hydrolytic (E2 and E1) pools (ET=E1+E2+E3) necessary to achieve these decay rates, i.e., dCi/dt = Vmaxi·Ei/(KEi+Ei). This is done by first setting E2=ß·(E2+E3) and E3=(1-ß)·(E2+E3), and solving for ß to maximize C-yield from dC2/dt+dC3/dt. Then we set E1=ø·(E1+ß·(E2+E3)) and E2=(1-ø)·(E1+ß·(E2+E3)), and solve for ø to match C-yield from dC1/dt+dC2/dt+dC3/dt to N-yield from dC1/dt, given the C:N content of C1


The resulting model is consistent with generally reported patterns of enzyme activity concomitant with litter quality. For example, E3 > 0 only when the net yield of assimilable C from dC2/dt+dC3/dt > the yield from dC2/dt, alone. It also demonstrates that relative N-availability associated with C1 (and presumably as mineral N) can reduce both E2 and E3 with respect to the balance of realized C-yield from lignocellulose decay. In other words, available N can inhibit lignin decay by shifting enzyme allocation to maximize overall carbon use efficiency, potentially mineralizing N from C1 even if C2 is available in C2-C3 complexes. However, this mineralization threshold varies with the sizes and relative assimlation efficiencies of the substrate pools, ET, and CN ratios of substrates and microorganisms.