IGN 8-5
Measurement uncertainty and QA/QC: NEON's approaches in a nutshell
Measurement uncertainty and QA/QC: NEON's approaches in a nutshell
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
313, Sacramento Convention Center
The task of managing >55,000 ecological data streams observed 24/7 across an entire continent is nothing short of insanity; however, such is the case at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). How do we determine the validity of these measurements? And how do we insure the quality of the data? This IGNITE talk focuses on NEON’s methods for QA/QC and uncertainty analyses of in-situ, sensor based measurements. Pitfalls, conundrums, headaches, and most importantly, successes, will be presented. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a rollercoaster ride through NEON’s data maze.