IGN 11-2
Diversifying the ecological village

Thursday, August 14, 2014
313, Sacramento Convention Center
Alan R. Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
Teresa Mourad, Education & Diversity Programs, Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC
Steward T.A. Pickett, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
SEEDS was launched to diversify ESA’s membership, and set out to engage minority undergraduate students through campus-based programs with faculty. Some students discovered and came to value the joys of ecology, and gained confidence in doing ecology. Few persisted in ecology, while many pursued careers other than ‘typical’ academic ones.  SEEDS responded by building a national network of students and ESA mentors, providing field, research and leadership opportunities directly to students. SEEDS’ success has been both cause and effect of the diversification of the topical and methodological scope of ecology, at least as manifest in activities at the annual meetings.