COS 107-5
When light is the limiting resource: quantifying inter- and intra-annual variability in carbon and nitrogen cycling in a lawn chronosequence

Thursday, August 14, 2014: 9:20 AM
317, Sacramento Convention Center
Dustin L. Herrmann, Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California - Davis, Davis, CA
Mary L. Cadenasso, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

Lawn management, including irrigation, mowing and fertilizer use, removes or mitigates water and nutrients as limiting resources.  As a result, light – solar radiation – can be the key limiting resource to productivity.  Importantly, lawns exist in a mix of light environments due to shading from buildings and trees. This creates a novel ecosystem to address questions about interactions between carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. Here, we address two questions: how does light availability affect a) the magnitude of and b) the de/coupling of C and N cycles in lawns? We quantified C and N cycling in 14 lawns along an 80 year chronosequence that allows testing light limitation across a soil development gradient. Within each lawn, we used shading created from a mix of tree canopy and buildings to establish plots across a gradient of light availability. To address potential differences in timing and scale of analysis, we examined C and N cycling at 3 temporal scales – annual, seasonal and weekly. Carbon and N were measured across years as total soil C and N, seasonally as the within-year amplitude in aboveground plant C and N, and weekly as mowed C and N production plus soil inorganic N mineralization.


Lawns accumulated soil C for the first 35 years before declining to zero net change in soil C. Soil C increases were coupled to soil N increases at approximately a 12:1 C/N ratio, but soil C and N levels were not affected by light conditions. Intra-annual C cycles were driven by light availability. Seasonally, aboveground plant C increased by less than 150 kg C∙ha-1 in low light to approximately 800 kg C∙ha-1 in high light conditions. Weekly, mowed C fluxes during peak productivity ranged from 10 kg C∙ha-1∙wk-1at low light to 80 kg C∙ha-1∙wk-1 in high light conditions. Intra-annual N cycles were positively correlated with lawn age, likely responding to soil N levels, but N fluxes exhibited independence from C cycling. Seasonally, plant N fluxes did not have the same magnitude of difference as C across the light gradient, indicating adjustments to plant C and N stoichiometry independent of N availability. Weekly, soil N mineralization rates increased with lawn age, while primary productivity did not change with age. Overall, intra-annual C and N fluxes exhibited decoupling because light was the dominant driver of C fluxes vs. age or soil development for N fluxes.