COS 73-9
Physiological trait variation in plant invaders influences invasion success and C cycling across a hydrology and nitrogen gradient in a simulated wetland ecosystem

Wednesday, August 13, 2014: 4:20 PM
302/303, Sacramento Convention Center
Jason P. Martina, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
William S. Currie, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Deborah E. Goldberg, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Kenneth J. Elgersma, Biology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA

Wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, are one of the most invaded habitats worldwide, and store C disproportionally to their area.  It is thus important to understand how variation in key plant traits influences invasion success and ecosystem C cycling.  MONDRIAN is an individual based model, simulating growth and competition for nutrients among individual ramets, as well as clonal connections and horizontal expansion.  Simulated ecosystem N cycling both drives, and is driven by, plant growth, litter production, and biogeochemistry of litter and sediment organic matter.  We conducted a modeling experiment to test the effects of variation in key physiological traits (tissue C/N ratios, maximum relative growth rate, N resorption, and litter lability) of Phragmites australis and Typha xgluaca during invasions of a 3-species native community along a N and hydrology gradient.  We examined whether trait variation interacted with hydrology and/or N loading to affect invader success and C storage in living biomass, litter, muck, and mineral SOM, along with the sum of all pools (ecosystem C).  The gradient of N loading ranged from oligotrophic to eutrophic and wetland sediments were either always anaerobic (flooded), always aerobic, or varied throughout the year.     


Variation in physiological traits had similar effects on invasion success and C storage for P. australis and T. x glauca.  Under all hydrologic regimes, varying tissue C/N ratios or N resorption did not affect invasion success at high or low N loading, but at intermediate N loading (9 g N m-2 yr-1) increasing these traits increased invasion success, thereby shifting the steepness of the invasion threshold along the N gradient.  In contrast to invasion success, which was only sensitive to variation in physiological traits at intermediate N loading, ecosystem C pool response to trait variation occurred at all the N levels when invasion was successful, though the degree of response depended on hydrology. In aerobic conditions increasing tissue C/N ratios and N resorption did not affect C storage, whereas in anaerobic conditions the majority of C pools increased at high N loading.  Increasing litter lability significantly decreased C in both above and belowground litter pools at high N loading under all hydrologic regimes.  Altering maximum relative growth rate surprisingly did not have a consistent effect on any C pool.  These simulations demonstrate how plant traits of the most successful invasive wetland plants in North America can influence invasion success and wetland C storage.