PS 63-52
Patterns of nitrogen processes across soil mineral nitrogen gradient in terrestrial ecosystems: A global synthesis
Results/Conclusions Our results showed a diverse pattern in individual studies (e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential and no trend) for N cycling processes. Interestingly, N cycling processes showed clear patterns at global level. For example, In-situ and potential N mineralization and N fixation rates exhibited quantic relationships with soil mineral N, while in-situ potential N2O emission rates increased exponentially across soil mineral N gradient. N uptake rate has exponential increased to a maximum. Soil N leaching and volatilization were both found significant linear correlated with soil mineral N. At biome level, however, the trend differed for most of the processes except for potentials mineralization. Our study revealed clear patterns of N cycling processes across soil mineral N gradient which provides useful information for future modeling and experimental studies.