PS 61
Latebreaking: Behavior

Friday, August 15, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Sacramento Convention Center
 The effects of beach charasteristics on ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) size and distribution
Yashira A. Cruz, University of Puerto Rico Humacao; Ray Carthy, University of Florida; Madan K. Oli, University of Florida
 Xylem vulnerability to drought greater in post fire resprout oaks than in adults in a Chihuahuan desert sky-island
Tailor E. Brown, Texas Tech University; Josh Willms, Texas Tech University; Christopher Rodriguez, Texas Tech University; Dylan Schwilk, Texas Tech University
 Fine-scale foraging behavior of bison in nutritionally heterogeneous grasslands in response to fire and drought
Edward J. Raynor, Kansas State University; Anthony Joern, Kansas State University; John M. Briggs, Kansas State University
See more of: Latebreaking Posters