PS 80
Latebreaking: New Methods And Techniques

Friday, August 15, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Sacramento Convention Center
 Optical tomography for 3D imaging of fine roots
Elias P. Rosen, Southwest Sciences, Inc.; Kristen A. Peterson, Southwest Sciences, Inc.
 Estimates of mating structure and operational sex ratios in South African loggerhead turtles using kinship approaches based on microsatellite markers
Katrina van Raay, University of Washington; Jenny Tucek, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University; Ronel Nel, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University; Kerry A. Naish, University of Washington
 Bioacoustic location: Testing the effectiveness of two- and three-dimensional wireless recorder arrays
Melinda L. Wood, The Evergreen State College; Stephen Sissel, The Evergreen State College; Alison Styring, The Evergreen State College
 Non-destructive detection across landscapes of mass marked insects
Kevin B. Rice, The Pennsylvania State University; Moshe Gish, The Pennsylvania State University; Shelby J. Fleischer, the Pennsylvania State University; John F. Tooker, The Pennsylvania State University
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