OOS 30
Rhizosphere Interactions: An Exploration of Patterns Across Systems
Wednesday, August 13, 2014: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
306, Sacramento Convention Center
Lesley W. Atwood, University of New Hampshire
Cynthia Kallenbach, University of New Hampshire; and
A. Stuart Grandy, University of New Hampshire
Cynthia Kallenbach, University of New Hampshire
Rhizospheres are hubs for biotic interactions because of the direct linkage between primary producers and soil biota. Roots and root-derived inputs interact with a diverse range of soil organisms that mediate key biogeochemical dynamics through mineralization/ingestion, excretion and cessation, which cumulatively support large-scale ecosystem services. Rhizosphere community assemblages are extremely sensitive to environmental perturbations. Climate and land-use change alter root morphology, and the chemistry, quantity, and timing of root-derived inputs with consequences to rhizosphere organisms. However, the complex nature of the rhizosphere community makes predicting subsequent biogeochemical and community responses to shifts in the ecosystem challenging. This is especially true when scaling up in time and space, as some of these processes occur within very short time frames at the micron-scale.
The goal of this Organized Oral Session is to integrate observations on soil biological interactions across ecosystems that are exposed to climate or land-use change to better identify unifying principles on rhizosphere community dynamics. There will be an emphasis on novel research that improves our theoretical understanding of root and soil biological interactions and predictive capabilities of rhizosphere responses to ecosystem disturbance. Presenters in this session will discuss how nitrogen deposition, carbon dioxide enrichment, soil warming, and agricultural management influence the dynamics between root growth and their nutrient and carbon allocation with the soil fauna and microbial community. The potential for feedbacks to soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, soil food web stability, and climate change in forest, grasslands, and managed ecosystems are highlighted.
2:50 PM
Soil microbial oligotrophs respond to long-term warming in temperate forest soil
Kristen DeAngelis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Grace Pold, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Begum Topcuoglu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Linda T.A. Van Diepen, University of New Hampshire;
William Rodriguez, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Jeffrey L. Blanchard, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Jerry M. Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory;
Serita D. Frey, University of New Hampshire
4:00 PM
Rhizosphere priming in response to soil temperature and moisture
Biao Zhu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Weixin Cheng, University of California at Santa Cruz;
Ching-Yu Huang, University of North Georgia;
Amy Concilio, University of Colorado, Boulder;
Caitlin Hicks Pries, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
J. Bryan Curtis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Cristina Castanha, Berkeley Lab;
Rachel C. Porras, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
Margaret Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory