WK 6
Next Generation of Methods and Techniques to Address Global Change Problems
Sunday, August 10, 2014: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
McGinnis, Sheraton Hotel
Santonu Goswami, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Xiaofeng Xu, Auburn University, AL; and
Daniel J. Hayes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
As humankind faces an uncertain future associated with global environmental change, it must prepare for unprecedented socio-environmental challenges with complex causes and indeterminate solutions. To provide the accurate and reliable information needed address these complex problems, we must develop new scientific approaches or improve and combine existing methods from multiple disciplines. Over the past decades, new and improved techniques have been adopted to address ecological problems due to global change, e.g. field experiments, numerical models, data assimilation, isotopic tracer methods, molecular approaches, minirhizotrons, etc. Reviewing the current methods and envisioning the emerging novel approaches for global change research will be critically important for us to move forward to tackle the problems arising due to global environmental change. Our workshop proposes to bring a representative group of scientists to stimulate discussions about current and cutting-edge techniques and methods used in global change research. The workshop will have two outputs: 1) the panel discussion of the workshop will be summarized and submitted for publication in EOS Trans. AGU as meeting report, and 2) participants will be invited to contribute to a review paper on the topic to be submitted for publication in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
The Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is sponsoring two awards to graduate and undergraduate students from US universities to attend this workshop. The link to the description, eligibility and application form for the awards can be found in the CCSI website: