OOS 16
Allee Effects: Theory and Applications

Tuesday, August 11, 2015: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
316, Baltimore Convention Center
Andrew M. Kramer, University of Georgia
Ludek Berec, Biology Centre CAS
John M. Drake, University of Georgia
Allee effects are a density-dependent phenomenon associated with cooperative behaviors, genetic change, and sexual reproduction. Quantifying the magnitude of Allee effects has been impeded by the difficulty of monitoring low density populations, but in recent years the widespread occurrence of Allee effect has become increasingly clear. Research has documented a diversity of mechanisms ranging from mate limitation to cooperative feeding to predator satiation. As evidence from multiple systems has accumulated, the focus has begun to change from documenting the presence of Allee effects to understanding the feedbacks and interactions with other ecological and evolutionary processes. The combined effects of these interactions are important for conserving small populations, as evident in the examples of the island fox and several fisheries, and for managing non-native species, such as invasive insects. The innovative research included in this session highlights two crucial, under-explored aspects of Allee effects, namely (1) the interaction of positive density dependence and population genetics, and (2) the role that Allee effects play in forecasting and managing pest outbreaks. The link between Allee effects and population genetics is predicted to be strong due to the role of small population sizes in ecological and evolutionary dynamics. This session will explore this link from several directions, particularly how selection weakens Allee effects and how population genetic processes can increase fitness costs in small populations. New work from a more applied viewpoint considers how Allee effects influence the dynamics of spreading pests. This session will also consider the links between these seemingly separate questions, for instance the role of selection for increased dispersal in accelerating spread in species invasions. The mix of theory and empirical results reported here shows that close interaction is fueling continued advances in the understanding of Allee effects. The current relevance of these areas is underscored by the independent pursuit of these topics in several groups. This session will provide a platform to share and synthesize this work.
8:00 AM
 Natural selection on mate-finding Allee effects
Ludek Berec, Biology Centre CAS; Andrew M. Kramer, University of Georgia; John M. Drake, University of Georgia; Veronika Bernhauerova, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
8:20 AM
 Allee effect in social species
Gloria M. Luque, Universté Paris-Sud; Franck Courchamp, Université Paris-Sud; Elena Angulo, Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC; Stephen D. Gregory, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Salmon & Trout Research Centre; John W. Wenzel, Powdermill Nature Reserve, Carnegie Museum of Natural History; Carmen Bessa-Gomes, UMR CNRS 8079. Univ. Paris Sud
8:40 AM
 Demographic stochasticity and the evolution of life history traits during range expansion
Brad Ochocki, Rice University; Tom E. X. Miller, Rice University
9:00 AM
 Allee effects and density-dependent dispersal interact to generate variable invasion speed
Michael G. Neubert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Lauren Sullivan, University of Minnesota; Allison K. Shaw, University of Minnesota; Tom E. X. Miller, Rice University
9:20 AM
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
 Genetic Allee effects and their interaction with ecological Allee effects
Meike J. Wittmann, Stanford University; Hanna Stuis, Leiden University; Dirk Metzler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
10:30 AM
 The genetic Allee effect: A unified framework for the genetics and demography of small populations
Chloe Vayssade, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech; Gloria M. Luque, Universté Paris-Sud; Franck Courchamp, Université Paris-Sud; Benoit Facon, Centre de Biologie et Gestion des Populations; Thomas Guillemaud, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech; Xavier Fauvergue, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech
11:10 AM
 Competition-driven Allee effects in the highly invasive Argentine ant
Alok Bang, Universté Paris-Sud; Gloria M. Luque, Universté Paris-Sud; Franck Courchamp, Université Paris-Sud