SS 6
Ecology’s Concepts: How Are They Used and Valued?
In the next 20-minutes, we will ask each of four panelists representing ESA’s broad demographic and perspectival range to comment (5-minutes each) on these results from their points of view. Panelists will be prompted in advance with the results and suggestions as to how they might analyze survey outcomes with respect to their perspectives.
During the last 25-minutes the organizer (Reiners) will solicit ad hoc reactions and questions from the attendees about the survey results, positions taken by the panelists, as well as positions taken by other attendees. This discussion will be supported by a show of agreement or disagreement with positions by a show of colored cards upon request by the organizer. These cards will be provided at the door. We look forward to a lively discussion to help launch our transition into ESA’s second century.