FT 9
Urban Bioblitz Along Sites of Baltimore's Upper Middle Branch and Watershed 263.
Participants will work with community members, wildlife biologists to observe, collect, and identify some of the biodiversity along this watershed. Teams will focus on plant diversity, birds, insects, and macro-aquatic invertebrates so that participants can get a broad exposure to biodiverstiy of Baltimore's urban environment. A reference collection will be turned over to the local community as part of this endeavor.
Registration Fee: $57
Equipment and Attire: Field clothes, hat, suncreen, insect repellent.
Itinerary: 1. 8:30 AM - leave convention center for Gwynns Falls Trail South, Upper Middle Branch (2100 Washington Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21230) 2. 11:00 AM - Leave Upper Middle Branch site, and travel to Pigtown Community Garden, (1425 W Ostend St, Baltimore, MD 21223) 3. 1:00 PM - Carroll Park, (1500 Washington Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21230) 4. 3:00 Pm - Return to Convention Center