COS 119
Disease And Epidemiology IV

Thursday, August 13, 2015: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
320, Baltimore Convention Center
1:50 PM
 Productivity and fishing pressure drive variability in fish parasite assemblages of the Line Islands, equatorial Pacific
Chelsea L. Wood, University of Michigan; Julia Baum, University of Victoria; Sheila MW Reddy, The Nature Conservancy; Rowan Trebilco, Simon Fraser University; Stuart A. Sandin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Brian J. Zgliczynski, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Amy A. Briggs, California State University, Northridge; Fiorenza Micheli, Stanford University
2:10 PM Cancelled
 Coral genetic diversity and disease dynamics
Tarik C. Gouhier, Northeastern University; Steven Vollmer, Northeastern Unviversity; Pradeep Pillai, Northeastern University
2:30 PM
 Hunting, host longevity, and pathogen dynamics in a Madagascar fruit bat community
Cara E. Brook, Princeton University; Hafaliana C. Ranaivoson, University of Antananarivo; Andy P. Dobson, Princeton University
2:50 PM
 Landscape influences on host parasitism: differences between host taxa
Janet Koprivnikar, Ryerson University; Theresa M.Y. Urichuk, Brandon University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Heterogeneity in patch quality buffers metapopulations against pathogen impacts
Daniel J. Becker, University of Georgia; Richard J. Hall, University of Georgia
3:40 PM
 Forget the slope: Tradeoff intercept drives evolution and densities during epidemics
Jason M. Walsman, Indiana University; Spencer R. Hall, Indiana University; Alex T. Strauss, Indiana University
4:00 PM
 Flowering plants mediating transmission of a common bumble bee pathogen
Lynn S. Adler, University of Massachusetts; Phil Stevenson, Royal Botanic Gardens; Rebecca Irwin, Dartmouth College
4:20 PM
 Effects of multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) invasion on blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) abundance at two spatial scales
Solny Adalsteinsson, University of Delaware; Vincent D'Amico III, USDA Forest Service; W. Gregory Shriver, University of Delaware; Dustin Brisson, University of Pennsylvania; Jeff Buler, University of Delaware
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