The outcome goal of this workshop is a plot of NDVI over time derived from a raster time series that can be used to compare plant phenology at multiple sites. We will focus on the raster, rgdal and sp libraries in R. The rasterVis package will be used to create raster time series plots. The lessons presented in this workshop will be based upon tutorials available on the website: and .
Participants attending this workshop should bring their own laptops. Participants should have a basic level of familiarity with working with data in R including installing and loading packages, importing data and basic data indexing and subsetting. The data used will complement micro-meteorology data used in the WK 9 - Work with Ecological Time Series Data in R workshop taught Sunday morning. All materials taught in this workshop were developed through collaborative effort between the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Data Carpentry.
Please don’t wait to register for this workshop as it filled up and had a waiting list last year!
Registration Fee: $25