COS 5 - Conservation Planning, Policy, And Theory

Monday, August 8, 2016: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Floridian Blrm BC, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
1:50 PM Cancelled
 Multi-objective optimization of conservation easements for sage grouse
Claire A Runge, UCSB; Joseph E. Fargione, The Nature Conservancy; John C. Withey, Florida International University; Joshua J. Lawler, University of Washington; Andrew J. Plantinga, UCSB
1:30 PM
 Enhancing ecosystem restoration efficiency through spatial and temporal coordination
Thomas M. Neeson, University of Oklahoma; Michael Ferris, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Austin Milt, University of Wisconsin; Allison T. Moody, University of Wisconsin; Matthew W. Diebel, Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Science Services; Patrick J. Doran, The Nature Conservancy; Jesse O'Hanley, University of Kent; Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin
2:10 PM
 How fragmented cognition and management of the Rio Grande-Bravo Basin contributes to ecosystem conservation challenges
Jack R. Friedman, University of Oklahoma; Stephanie Paladino, University of Oklahoma
2:30 PM
 Mapping the world'€™s most at-risk regions from future development
Christina M. Kennedy, The Nature Conservancy; James Oakleaf, The Nature Conservancy; Sharon Baruch-Mordo, The Nature Conservancy; Paul C. West, University of Minnesota; James S. Gerber, University of Minnesota; Joseph Kiesecker, The Nature Conservancy
2:50 PM
3:00 PM Cancelled
 Regional evolutionary distinctiveness and endangerment as a means of prioritizing protection of endangered species
Emily Kay Brantner, Florida International University; John C. Withey, Florida International University
3:20 PM
 Unpacking large-scale optimization of barrier removal to benefit small-scale decision makers and Great Lakes migratory fishes
Allison T. Moody, University of Wisconsin; Thomas M. Neeson, University of Oklahoma; Austin W. Milt, University of Wisconsin; Matthew W. Diebel, Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Science Services; Michael Ferris, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jesse O'Hanley, University of Kent; Patrick J. Doran, The Nature Conservancy; Lucinda B. Johnson, University of Minnesota-Duluth; Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin
3:40 PM
 Coupled social and ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification in Costa Rica and the future of biodiversity conservation in tropical agricultural regions
Kate Cleary, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE); Irene Shaver, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE); Andre Sanfiorenzo, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE); Lisette Waits, University of Idaho; Bryan Finegan, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE); Ricardo J. Santiago-García, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE); Adina Chain-Guardarrama, University of Idaho; Nicole Sibelet, CIRAD; Leontina Hormel, University of Idaho; Lee A. Vierling, University of Idaho; Nilsa A. Bosque-Pérez, University of Idaho; Matthew E. Fagan, NASA; Fabrice DeClerck, Bioversity International
4:00 PM
 Quantifying a conservation fundraising landscape and factors defining its spatial distribution
Rachel Fovargue, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Paul R. Armsworth, University of Tennessee; Maria Fisher, The Nature Conservancy; Jamal Harris, The Nature Conservancy
4:20 PM
 Shifting habitats in response to changing climate in the Southeastern U.S
Bistra Dilkina, Georgia Tech; Jenny L. McGuire, Georgia Tech; Renee Bach, Georgia Tech
See more of: Contributed Talks