OOS 28 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental Performance and Socio-Ecological Function of Green Infrastructure

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Portland Blrm 256, Oregon Convention Center
Katie Coyne, Asakura Robinson Company
Diane E. Pataki, University of Utah; and Olyssa Starry, University of Maryland, College Park
Katie Coyne, Asakura Robinson Company
This session will address the following questions: 1. How can ecological knowledge and tools be utilized by interdisciplinary teams to design green infrastructure that promotes socio-ecological function and environmental performance within the context of diverse urban systems?; and, 2. How can green infrastructure planning and design support and improve the long-term resiliency of urban and rural systems across spatial scales? Some green infrastructure projects have generated useful research on the design process, cost effectiveness, regulation, and the distinction between ecological function and environmental performance, but often only at a site-specific scale. New technological advances have enabled large-scale data collection about green infrastructure that has yet to be applied to comprehensive planning or regulatory processes. The piece-meal approach to planning for green infrastructure at these larger spatial scales minimizes the potential for green infrastructure to be managed as inter-connected systems capable of meeting regional performance goals. This session offers a review of existing green infrastructure research, knowledge gaps, lessons learned from practice, and strategies for a more integrated approach to the design, regulation and management of green infrastructure development in urban environments where ecological changes always have social consequences. Presenters will discuss case studies that illustrate best practices for optimizing the ecological, environmental, and social benefits of green infrastructure in the context of rapid change and urbanization.
1:30 PM
1:50 PM
 Research and knowledge gaps on ecosystem services generated by low impact development
Daniele Spirandelli, University of Hawaii; Amanda Cording, University of Hawaii-Manoa
2:30 PM
 Green infrastructure planning and monitoring in semi-arid cities
Diane E. Pataki, University of Utah; Sarah J. Hinners, Metropolitan Research Center
2:50 PM
 Urban trees: What do we know about the services they provide?
Heikki Setälä, University of Helsinki; Gaia Francini, University of Helsinki; Hui Nan, University of Helsinki; Ari Jumpponen, Kansas State University; David Johannes Kotze, University of Helsinki; Viljami Viippola, University of Helsinki; Vesa Yli-Pelkonen, University of Helsinki
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Variability in the function of green infrastructure technologies: Lessons from science and practice
Charles T. Driscoll, Syracuse University; David G. Chandler, Syracuse University; Caitlin G. Eger, Syracuse University
4:20 PM
 SITES rating system: Connecting design with ecology and people to place
Danielle Pieranunzi, University of Texas at Austin