WK 57 - Green Infrastructure Implementation and Monitoring in Portland Focusing on Experimental Research and Ecological Function

Thursday, August 10, 2017: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
B110-111, Oregon Convention Center
Alexander J. Felson, Yale University
Jane Bacchieri, City of Portland; and Tim Kurtz, Stormwater Systems Division
Alexander J. Felson, Yale University
Jane Bacchieri, City of Portland; and Tim Kurtz, Stormwater Systems Division
The increasing implementation of green infrastructure in cities provides opportunities for ecologists to use research and performance criteria to establish functional urban ecosystems that can be adapted over time. The City of Portland is a national leader in green infrastructure with more than 2000 bioretention basins in the right of way, making up a city wide green network. Portland is actively integrating research and ecological applications into the implementation and management of green infrastructure. This provides a unique opportunity for research ecologists to contribute practically to assessing and adapting green infrastructure for urban ecosystem function.

This workshop is part of the Earth Stewardship Initiative (ESI) Demonstration Project. In the workshop participants will learn about green infrastructure innovations and opportunities from City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services experts. Prior to the workshop, a field trip will also bring ESA participants to meet with city officials and visit green infrastructure sites. The workshop will include a group of advisory ecologists, environmental consultants and ESI fellows working together through a collaborative brainstorming session to develop strategies for integrating green infrastructure and experimental research into green infrastructure projects. The goal is to provide data on ecological value and ecosystem function of these urban sites.

Recognizing that gaps exist between the emergent scientific paradigms around green infrastructure and practical applications of green infrastructure in cities this workshop will be forum for dialogue between research ecologists and local practitioners.

Registration Fee: $0

See more of: Workshops