PS 41 - Evolution

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
 Trophic morphology predicts microbiome composition in a developmental resource polymorphism in spadefoot toads
Katherine L. Krynak, Ohio Northern University; Sofia de la Serna Buzon, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; Matthew B. Dugas, Case Western Reserve University; David J. Burke, The Holden Arboretum; Patricia M. Dennis, The Ohio State University; Ryan A. Martin, Case Western Reserve University
 Comparing clines in floral and vegetative traits along an elevation gradient in an Ipomopsis hybrid zone
Alexandra S. Faidiga, Case Western Reserve University; Diane R. Campbell, University of California - Irvine
 Evolution of nutrient resorption in Helianthus
Ashley M. Rea, University of Georgia; Chase M. Mason, University of Central Florida; Lisa A. Donovan, University of Georgia
 UV-induced mortality of bdelloid rotifers from distinct habitats
Maite Martin, The University of Texas at El Paso; Elizabeth J. Walsh, The University of Texas at El Paso
 What makes you beautiful? Mate selection mechanisms of female red-eyed treefrogs
Edauri Navarro-Pérez, University of Puerto Rico; Chloe E.V. Boehlke, Fort Lewis College; Andres Vega, AMBICOR; Kristine Kaiser, University of California, Northbrigde; Jeanne Robertson, California State University: Northridge
 How local is local: Phenological and life history differences across the range of Geum triflorum
Zebadiah G. Yoko, North Dakota State University; Jill A. Hamilton, North Dakota State University
 Island populations have less genetic variation, but are more genetically isolated than mainland populations in an ecosystem engineer, seagrass (Zostera marina) in South Korea: conservation implications for future management
Hyuk Je Lee, Sangji University; Seo Yeon Byeon, Sangji University; Jae Hwan Kim, National Science Museum; Ji Hyoun Kang, Korea University; Ji Eun Jang, Sangji University; Sun Kyeong Choi, Jeju National University; Min Ji Kim, Jeju National University; Sang Rul Park, Jeju National University
 Genetic differentiation of wild and domesticated bumblebees in Massachusetts
Genevieve Pugesek, Tufts University; Elizabeth E. Crone, Tufts University; Erik B. Dopman, Tufts University
 Effects of geographic origin, genotypic variation, and drought on lace bug and goldenrod interaction
Lilhac Medina, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Timothy Craig, University of Minnesota Duluth
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