WK 7 - Saturday Night Special! Get the Job: Strategies and Tactics for Early-Career Ecologists in Finding and Landing Your Dream Career

Saturday, August 5, 2017: 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
Idaho, Doubletree Hotel
Alaina G. Levine, Quantum Success Solutions
Come in early to ESA for this Saturday Night Special Workshop learning how to GET A JOB! Most jobs are not advertised, and even if they are, there is usually a short-list of candidates already in mind. So how do you find out about and access the 90% of jobs that are "hidden"? In this session, we will focus on strategies and tactics to identify new opportunities, locate decision-makers within organizations, solidify your reputation in the minds of those who hire, and gain access to hidden jobs and career-changing opportunities. We will focus our time on specific tactics to get you the job, such as designing and editing your resume/CV, interviewing skills, and having a polished social media presence. Spend Saturday evening with your peers, network, and learn how to propel your career into the stratosphere! Most importantly, learn how to GET A JOB!

Registration Fee: $30

See more of: Workshops