PS 86 - Latebreaking: Restoration Ecology

Friday, August 11, 2017: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall, Oregon Convention Center
 Avian community responses to management of Juniperus virginiana in the Loess Canyons of Nebraska
Helen E. Tripp, University of Nebraska; Dirac Twidwell, University of Nebraska; Craig R. Allen, University of Nebraska
 Role of environmental filters in the restoration of degraded peri-urban ecosystems
Pawel Waryszak, Murdoch University; Joseph B. Fontaine, Murdoch University; Rachel J. Standish, Murdoch University; Phil Ladd, Murdoch University; Neal J. Enright, Murdoch University
 Increasing native seed availability for Minnesota's prairies
Nicholas E. Goldsmith, University of Minnesota; Shelby Flint, University of Minnesota; Ruth G. Shaw, University of Minnesota
 Analysis of fungal communities from DNA pyrosequencing of soils and tree roots in forestry and oil sand reclamation sites in northern Alberta boreal forests
John A. Trofymow, Natural Resources Canada; Philip-Edouard Shay, Natural Resource Canada; Tod Ramsfield, Natural Resources Canada; Jean Berube, Natural Resources Canada
 Glade community responses following 8 years of restoration treatments in central Missouri
Ajay Sharma, University of Florida; William Ambrose, Double T. Creek Farm; M. Raimund Bayan, Lincoln University of Missouri; Sreedhar Upendram, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
 Experimental reintroduction of the American hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum): Effects of life stage on the establishment of transplants
Michael J. Serviss, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Danilo D. Fernando, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
 Baseline assessment of restoration sites reveals soil microbial diversity does not match expectations based on pre-restoration status
Kristen O. Anderson, Minnesota State University Moorhead; Elias P. Holte, Minnesota State University Moorhead; Sara J. Anderson, Minnesota State University Moorhead
 Belowground competition, land-use history, and tree density alter seedling establishment for multiple species in the longleaf pine ecosystem
Quinn M. Sorenson, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ellen I. Damschen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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