7:30 AM-12:00 PM |
ESA Vegetation Classification Panel BM
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
SYMP 22 - Movement ecology
SYMP 23 - Biodiversity and ecosystem restoration in a changing world
SYMP 24 - Effects of human choice on ecosystem properties
OOS 46 - Information technology tools and programs link scientific research to conservation management and restoration: Answers from those "out standing in the field"
OOS 47 - The California Channel Islands: Conservation and restoration in dynamic ecosystems
OOS 48 - The role of animal behavior in invasions: From mechanism to synthesis
OOS 49 - Controls over nitrogen fixation: A global perspective
OOS 50 - The longleaf pine ecosystem: Ecology, management, and restoration
OOS 51 - Mechanistic underpinnings of ecological processes: Scaling from genes to ecosystems
COS 141 - Agroforestry and agricultural policy and conservation
COS 142 - Climate change: Physiological and population response
COS 143 - Community disturbance and response
COS 144 - Detritus and decomposition
COS 145 - Disease ecology: Lyme disease and other mammalain diseases
COS 146 - Dispersal and colonization
COS 147 - Ecology of arid and semi-arid habitats: II
COS 148 - Ecology of estuarine, coastal, and intertidal systems
COS 149 - Forest management
COS 150 - Invasion: Models of process and management
COS 151 - Invasion: Population processes and interactions
COS 152 - Microbial ecology II
COS 153 - Nutrient cycling: Limiting resources, interactions, and ecosystem restoration
COS 154 - Phenotypic plasticity: Plants
COS 155 - Plant physiological ecology: Temperature effects, growth relations
COS 156 - Pollution, waste management, rehabilitation
COS 157 - Population and meta-population dynamics: Aquatic and marine
COS 158 - Restoration and conservation: Planning, policy, and theory
COS 159 - Restoration ecology: Urban ecosystems
COS 160 - Scaling and allometry: From body size to ecosystem function
COS 161 - Selection and adaptation II: Animals and interacting populations
COS 162 - Stable isotope and tracer applications
COS 163 - Urban ecosystems: Design, management, and evaluation
8:30 AM-10:30 AM |
PS 72 - Latebreaking and newsworthy posters
ESA Governing Board Meeting
11:30 AM-1:15 PM |
ESA/SER Closing Plenary Brunch: Reflections by distinguished ecologists
12:00 PM-1:30 PM |
Musicians Central
12:00 PM-2:30 PM |
ESA Braun Student Award Committee Meeting