It is becoming increasingly apparent that the genetic
variation within species is important to ecosystem level processes. Recent research demonstrates that plant
genotype influences litter decomposition, soil microbial communities, and belowground
nutrient cycling. However, the extent to
which plant genotypes create spatial mosaics of genetically-mediated ecosystem
processes is unclear. Likewise, it is
unknown whether plant genotypes create distinct microbial communities that are
adapted to process genotype-specific leaf litter. In central Wisconsin,
USA, aspen (Populus tremuloides)
clones have naturally colonized reclaimed agricultural land to create
genetically distinct aspen stands. Using these natural aspen patches, we
performed a litter transplant study in which leaf litter from different aspen genotypes
was collected and allowed to decompose beneath multiple aspen genotypes. We use
PLFA and extracellular soil enzyme activity profiles to demonstrate that
different soil microbial communities developed beneath different clones. We
then show that these differences in microbial communities influenced both leaf
litter decomposition and belowground nutrient cycling such that native and
foreign genotype litter was processed differently depending upon the genetic
identity of the aspen stand in which it was placed. In addition, leaf litter
decomposed fastest when placed beneath its own canopy. These results highlight
a potential feedback mechanism through which plant genotype may influence plant
fitness through nutrient availability. They
also demonstrate that the genotypes of forest tree species can create spatial
mosaics of ecosystem functioning that control the rate of litter decomposition
and nutrient release.