1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 1 - Host-associated differentiation in multi-trophic interactions: Host plants as ecological and evolutionary islands | |
OOS 2 - Forest restoration at the scale of the landscape | |
OOS 3 - Restoration of western riparian ecosystems: Challenges and solutions | |
OOS 4 - Diagnostic assessment: Uncovering and responding to how our students are thinking | |
OOS 5 - Alternative futures for Great Basin ecosystems | |
OOS 6 - Ancient extinctions and modern experiments: The ecological effects of adding and removing megaherbivores from the landscape | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 7 - Trophic structure across systems: Case studies and synthesis | |
OOS 8 - Restoring physical and ecological connections in roaded landscapes | |
OOS 9 - Human roles in ecosystems through deep time: The North Pacific as a case study | |
OOS 10 - What is the right size ecological model? Views on model complexity and parsimony from different statistical paradigms | |
OOS 11 - Illuminating the black box: Examining the mycorrhizal symbiosis and its effect on plant and fungal community dynamics | |
OOS 12 - Reducing uncertainty: Adaptive management in the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project | |
OOS 13 - Agricultural landscapes: Critical for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 14 - Biogeochemical variation within and between tropical ecosystems | |
OOS 15 - Long-term restoration and conservation in "wilderness-development frontiers": The value of integrating ecology and ethics | |
OOS 16 - Root herbivores as agents of change: Micro- and macro-herbivores across natural and managed systems | |
OOS 17 - E-learning in ecology education | |
OOS 18 - The link between propagule pressure and non-native invasion success and impacts | |
OOS 19 - Science policy participants and their perspectives | |
OOS 20 - Ecoagriculture: Restoring wild biodiversity, livelihoods, and ecosystem processes in agricultural landscapes | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 21 - Not-such-strange-bedfellows: Partnerships between scientists and artists enhance ecological research, art, and ecological restoration | |
OOS 22 - Stepping back in time: The application of historical and fossil records to recovering ecological baselines | |
OOS 23 - Tropical agroforestry as model systems for ecology | |
OOS 24 - Soil biota alteration of aboveground plant interactions | |
OOS 25 - Ecosystem responses to experimental warming and other global climate change factors | |
OOS 26 - Restoration of ecological processes: Comparing the role of plant-insect interactions in tropical and temperate systems | |
OOS 27 - Matrix population models: Theory and applications | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 28 - Inferring environmental conditions from biological observations: Tools for environmental management | |
OOS 29 - Agroecological restoration: Synergy of science and community in the local and global marketplace | |
OOS 30 - Synthesizing ecological studies in a changing world using meta-analysis | |
OOS 31 - Grassland restoration: Ecosystem recovery across space and time | |
OOS 32 - Disease emergence and amphibian declines: Using ecology to understand patterns and promote restoration | |
OOS 33 - Ecological restoration for poverty reduction | |
OOS 34 - Ecological consequences of size-structured interactions | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 35 - The multi-faceted challenge of restoring Lake Tahoe Basin's ecosystems | |
OOS 36 - Conservation and restoration of tropical dry forest: From islands to continents | |
OOS 37 - Climate change and disease ecology: Challenges to the restoration and maintenance of suitable pestilence | |
OOS 38 - A community assembly approach to restoration ecology | |
OOS 39 - Restoring neotropical forests in a hot, hot world | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 40 - Biofuels from rangelands: Boon or bane? | |
OOS 41 - Commercial trade of plants and wildlife in a changing world: Research to inform policy | |
OOS 42 - Climate-induced forest dieback as an emergent global phenomenon: Patterns, mechanisms, and projections | |
OOS 43 - Biodiversity in the litter layer: Mechanisms and applications | |
OOS 44 - Elwha River restoration: Dam removal, ecological framework, and baseline studies | |
OOS 45 - The Gap Analysis Program: Addressing the future needs of ecological research, conservation, and restoration | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 46 - Information technology tools and programs link scientific research to conservation management and restoration: Answers from those "out standing in the field" | |
OOS 47 - The California Channel Islands: Conservation and restoration in dynamic ecosystems | |
OOS 48 - The role of animal behavior in invasions: From mechanism to synthesis | |
OOS 49 - Controls over nitrogen fixation: A global perspective | |
OOS 50 - The longleaf pine ecosystem: Ecology, management, and restoration | |
OOS 51 - Mechanistic underpinnings of ecological processes: Scaling from genes to ecosystems | |