We added K15NO3 to sterile (gamma radiation) and live soils from all four systems and measured the quantity of 15N that became insoluble after minutes, days, and weeks. In all cases, we found 15N in the insoluble soil pools, with as much as 60% of our original addition of 15N in the insoluble pool during the 3 week long sterile incubations. However, preliminary analyses show no significant differences among the three agricultural systems. In all the agricultural systems, there was no 15N found in the insoluble pool in either sterile or live incubations after 15 minutes, while in the forested systems there was about 3% of the labeled N in the insoluble pool in both live and sterile samples. Our data suggest abiotic reactions do play a role in transformation of nitrate into insoluble N; yet future studies examining transformation processes, composition and stability of insoluble N species are needed.