1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 1 - Biodiversity patterns: Gradients and biogeography | |
COS 2 - Climate change and carbon cycling I | |
COS 3 - Community ecology: General theory and models | |
COS 4 - Conservation ecology and ecosystem management: Planning and policy | |
COS 5 - Ecology education | |
COS 6 - Ecology of boreal and temperate forest habitats | |
COS 7 - Ecosystem and community stability and resilience | |
COS 8 - Evolution and life history theory: Animals | |
COS 9 - Food webs I: Structure and stability | |
COS 10 - Habitat connectivity and fragmentation I | |
COS 11 - Invasion: Community and ecosystem consequences | |
COS 12 - Invasion: Population process and theory | |
COS 13 - Mycorrhizae: Plant-fungus relationships and ecosystem function | |
COS 14 - Niche relationship and theory I | |
COS 15 - Nutrient cycling and ecosystem function in aquatic systems | |
COS 16 - Population modeling I: General and theory | |
COS 17 - Restoration ecology: Wildlife restoration, wildlife response | |
COS 18 - Species interactions | |
COS 19 - Statistical theory and methods | |
5:00 PM-6:30 PM |
PS 1 - Aquatic-terrestrial linkages | |
PS 2 - Aquatic ecology | |
PS 3 - Arid and semi-arid systems | |
PS 4 - Biodiversity | |
PS 5 - Coastal | |
PS 6 - Community disturbance, recovery | |
PS 7 - Community pattern and dynamics | |
PS 8 - Estuary | |
PS 9 - Forest canopy | |
PS 10 - Forest habitats | |
PS 11 - Grasslands | |
PS 12 - Habitat | |
PS 13 - Landscape ecology | |
PS 14 - Marine systems | |
PS 15 - Rhizophere | |
PS 16 - Riparian | |
PS 17 - Species-area relationship | |
PS 18 - Shrublands | |
PS 19 - Urban ecology | |
PS 20 - Wetland habitats | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 20 - Aquatic-terrestrial linkages: Behavior to biogeochemistry | |
COS 21 - Climate change and carbon cycling II | |
COS 22 - Community assembly and neutral theory | |
COS 23 - Ecology of riparian habitats | |
COS 24 - Ecology of tropical and subtropical forest habitats | |
COS 25 - Ecosystem function: Carbon, energy, and NPP | |
COS 26 - Evolution and life history theory: Plants | |
COS 27 - Herbivory: Community and ecosystem patterns and effects | |
COS 28 - Interspecific competition | |
COS 29 - Invasion: Community invasibility and controls on invasion | |
COS 30 - Invasion: Population regulation and interactions | |
COS 31 - Niche relations and theory II | |
COS 32 - Pollination: Ecology and evolution | |
COS 33 - Population dynamics and regulation: Plants | |
COS 34 - Population modeling II: Animals, including humans | |
COS 35 - Restoration ecology in forest habitats: Concepts and case studies | |
COS 36 - Restoration ecology in grassland habitats | |
COS 37 - Soil ecology | |
COS 38 - Species-area relationships and abundance and rarity | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 39 - Carbon cycling | |
COS 40 - Climate change: Effects on ecosystem function and biogeochemistry | |
COS 41 - Climate change: Phenology and population responses | |
COS 42 - Community dynamics and diversity | |
COS 43 - Community ecology: Modeling and applications | |
COS 44 - Conservation biology, ecosystem management, and sustainability | |
COS 45 - Disease and epidemiology | |
COS 46 - Ecology education: Extended audiences | |
COS 47 - Ecology of created and restored wetlands | |
COS 48 - Evolution: Population genetics and population differentiation | |
COS 49 - Food webs II: Analytic methods, applications | |
COS 50 - Habitat connectivity and fragmentation II: Case studies | |
COS 51 - Invasion: Genetics and evolutionary processes | |
COS 52 - Invasion: Interactions with ecosystem properties | |
COS 53 - Matrix models: Methods and applications | |
COS 54 - Mycorrhizae: Community-level relationships | |
COS 55 - Pollination: Ecology and management | |
COS 56 - Restoration ecology in forest habitats: Methods and approaches | |
COS 57 - Restoration ecology in western grassland and arid habitats | |
COS 58 - Statistical ecology: Applications | |
5:00 PM-6:30 PM |
PS 21 - Behavior | |
PS 22 - Community assembly | |
PS 23 - Competition | |
PS 24 - Decompostition | |
PS 25 - Disease | |
PS 26 - Dispersal | |
PS 27 - Distribution | |
PS 28 - Fire ecology | |
PS 29 - Herbivory | |
PS 30 - Invasion | |
PS 31 - Life history | |
PS 32 - Mutualism | |
PS 33 - Niche | |
PS 34 - Parasitism | |
PS 35 - Plant/insect interactions | |
PS 36 - Pollination | |
PS 37 - Predation | |
PS 38 - Seeds | |
PS 39 - Species interactions | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 59 - Amphibian ecology and decline | |
COS 60 - Biodiversity and ecosystem function I | |
COS 61 - Carbon cycling: Soil processes | |
COS 62 - Community and metacommunity dynamics | |
COS 63 - Community pattern: Environmental gradients and spatial variation | |
COS 64 - Disease ecology: Plant pathogens and vectors | |
COS 65 - Ecology of fresh-water wetlands | |
COS 66 - Ecology of grassland habitats | |
COS 67 - Food webs III: Aquatic and marine systems | |
COS 68 - Forest communities: Pattern and dynamics | |
COS 69 - Herbivory: Patterns and population responses | |
COS 70 - Invasion: Diversity relationships | |
COS 71 - Invasion: Trophic relationships | |
COS 72 - Modeling ecosystem dynamics and climate change | |
COS 73 - Predation and predator-prey interactions | |
COS 74 - Restoration ecology in riparian habitats: Case studies and methods: I | |
COS 75 - Rhizoshpere: root function and root interactions | |
COS 76 - Sampling theory, methods, and assessment | |
COS 77 - Seed ecology: Production, predation, and dispersal | |
COS 78 - Spatial analysis and geostatistics | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 79 - Behavioral ecology: Foraging and diet | |
COS 80 - Biodiversity and ecosystem function II | |
COS 81 - Climate change: community response | |
COS 82 - Community ecology: Environmental drivers plant community pattern | |
COS 83 - Conservation ecology and ecosystem management: Case studies I | |
COS 84 - Ecology and evolution of mutualism | |
COS 85 - Ecology of the freshwater habitats I | |
COS 86 - Fire ecology I | |
COS 87 - Food webs IV: Terrestrial systems | |
COS 88 - Forest canopy ecology | |
COS 89 - Life history theory, resource allocation, and sex allocation | |
COS 90 - Nitrogen cycling | |
COS 91 - Paleoecology, historical ecology, and restoration baselines | |
COS 92 - Parasites, pathogens, and hosts | |
COS 93 - Plant physiological ecology: Water relations | |
COS 94 - Plant-insect interactions | |
COS 95 - Population modeling III | |
COS 96 - Restoration ecology in riparian habitats: Case studies and methods II | |
COS 97 - Restoration ecology in wetlands I: Coastal and created | |
COS 98 - Spatial patterns: Description and analysis | |
5:00 PM-6:30 PM |
PS 40 - Cycling - carbon | |
PS 41 - Cycling - nitrogen | |
PS 42 - Cycling - nutrients, water | |
PS 43 - Climate change | |
PS 44 - Ecosystem function | |
PS 45 - Ecosystem stability | |
PS 46 - Environment gradient | |
PS 47 - Modeling | |
PS 48 - Mycorrhizae | |
PS 49 - Phenotypic plasticity | |
PS 50 - Physiological ecology | |
PS 51 - Population dynamics | |
PS 52 - Resource allocation | |
PS 53 - Soil ecology | |
PS 54 - Succession | |
PS 55 - Trophic dynamics | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 99 - Agricultural ecology I: Biogeochemistry management | |
COS 100 - Behavioral ecology: Movement and social interaction | |
COS 101 - Biodiversity patterns and processes | |
COS 102 - Climate change: Range change | |
COS 103 - Disease ecology: Models and human disease | |
COS 104 - Distributions and range limits | |
COS 105 - Ecology of alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic systems | |
COS 106 - Ecology of freshwater habitats II | |
COS 107 - Environmental philosophy, socioeconomic connections, and traditional ecological knowledge | |
COS 108 - Fire ecology II | |
COS 109 - Historical ecology, paleoecology, and land-use legacies I | |
COS 110 - Mycorrhizae III | |
COS 111 - Nitrogen cycling across systems | |
COS 112 - Nutrient cycling and ecosystem function in forest ecosystems | |
COS 113 - Parasitism: theory, evolution, and ecology | |
COS 114 - Plant physiological ecology: light and water relations | |
COS 115 - Plant-insect interactions: Chemical defenses and induction | |
COS 116 - Population biology: Metapopulations | |
COS 117 - Remote sensing and image analysis | |
COS 118 - Restoration ecology in riparian habitats: Assessment | |
COS 119 - Restoration ecology in wetlands II: Freshwater | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 120 - Agricultural ecology II: Agricultural systems as habitat, diversity | |
COS 121 - Community ecology: Succession | |
COS 122 - Conservation ecology and ecosystem management case studies: II | |
COS 123 - Ecology of arid and semiarid habitats: I | |
COS 124 - Ecology of marine ecosystems and reefs | |
COS 125 - Fire ecology III | |
COS 126 - Historical ecology, paleoecology, and land-use legacies II | |
COS 127 - Invasion: Competitive dynamics | |
COS 128 - Invasion: Management approaches and assessment | |
COS 129 - Invasion: Population processes and invasiveness | |
COS 130 - Microbial ecology I | |
COS 131 - Migration, dispersal, and colonization | |
COS 132 - Nitrogen cycling and enrichment in forests | |
COS 133 - North American vegetation classification | |
COS 134 - Phenotypic plasticity: Animals and protists | |
COS 135 - Plant physiological ecology: Respiration and transpiration | |
COS 136 - Plant-insection interactions: Defenses against herbivory | |
COS 137 - Population and metapopulation dynamics: Terrestrial | |
COS 138 - Restoration ecology: Methods | |
COS 139 - Selection and adaptation I: Plants under environmental selection | |
COS 140 - Urban ecology | |
5:00 PM-6:30 PM |
PS 56 - Agriculture | |
PS 57 - Conservation | |
PS 58 - Ecology education | |
PS 59 - Ecological management | |
PS 60 - Forest management | |
PS 61 - Evolutionary ecology | |
PS 62 - Genetics | |
PS 63 - Land use | |
PS 64 - Paleoecology | |
PS 65 - Rapid assessments | |
PS 66 - Remote sensing | |
PS 67 - Restoration ecology | |
PS 68 - Restoration methods | |
PS 69 - Spatial analysis and GIS | |
PS 70 - Sustainable management | |
PS 71 - Waste management | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 141 - Agroforestry and agricultural policy and conservation | |
COS 142 - Climate change: Physiological and population response | |
COS 143 - Community disturbance and response | |
COS 144 - Detritus and decomposition | |
COS 145 - Disease ecology: Lyme disease and other mammalain diseases | |
COS 146 - Dispersal and colonization | |
COS 147 - Ecology of arid and semi-arid habitats: II | |
COS 148 - Ecology of estuarine, coastal, and intertidal systems | |
COS 149 - Forest management | |
COS 150 - Invasion: Models of process and management | |
COS 151 - Invasion: Population processes and interactions | |
COS 152 - Microbial ecology II | |
COS 153 - Nutrient cycling: Limiting resources, interactions, and ecosystem restoration | |
COS 154 - Phenotypic plasticity: Plants | |
COS 155 - Plant physiological ecology: Temperature effects, growth relations | |
COS 156 - Pollution, waste management, rehabilitation | |
COS 157 - Population and meta-population dynamics: Aquatic and marine | |
COS 158 - Restoration and conservation: Planning, policy, and theory | |
COS 159 - Restoration ecology: Urban ecosystems | |
COS 160 - Scaling and allometry: From body size to ecosystem function | |
COS 161 - Selection and adaptation II: Animals and interacting populations | |
COS 162 - Stable isotope and tracer applications | |
COS 163 - Urban ecosystems: Design, management, and evaluation | |
8:30 AM-10:30 AM |
PS 72 - Latebreaking and newsworthy posters | |