Thursday, August 9, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Willow Glen II, San Jose Marriott
COS 133 - North American vegetation classification
1:30 PMFire-maintained longleaf pine vegetation of the southeastern United States: A case study in implementation of the US National Vegetation Classification standards
Robert K. Peet, University of North Carolina
1:50 PMThe relationship between dominant and subdominant species in vegetation alliances of the Inland Northwest, USA
Michael Jennings, The Nature Conservancy, Frank Davis, University of California Santa Barbara
2:10 PMThe International Vegetation Classification: Outline of an integrated physiognomic-floristic approach and applications to mitigation and restoration
Don Faber-Langendoen, NatureServe, David Tart, U.S. Forest Service, Del Meidinger, BC Ministry of Forests and Range, Carmen Josse, NatureServe, Otto Huber, CoroLab Humboldt, Venezuela, Alejandro Velazquez, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ken Baldwin, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Donald McLennan, Parks Canada
2:30 PMBringing the California Vegetation Classification into the 21st Century: The value of quantitative classification for conservation in an embattled state
Todd Keeler-Wolf, California Department of Fish and Game, John O. Sawyer, Humboldt State University, Julie Evens, California Native Plant Society
2:50 PMDeveloping the wetland component of Canadian National Vegetation Classification (CNVC)
Serguei Ponomarenko, NatureServe Canada, William MacKenzie, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Donald McLennan, Parks Canada
3:10 PMBreak
3:20 PMSummarizing the Pacific Northwest oceanic conifer forests: A brief phytosociological survey for conservation purposes
Daniel Sánchez-Mata, Universidad Complutense, Salvador Rivas-Martínez, Universidad Complutense
3:40 PMOverview of California ultramafic (serpentine) chaparrals and their conservation and restoration features: A case of rare and threatened vegetation-types
Daniel Sánchez-Mata, Universidad Complutense, Salvador Rivas-Martínez, Universidad Complutense
4:00 PMClassification of California vernal pools: Implication for conservation and restoration
Ayzik I. Solomeshch, University of California, Michael, G. Barbour, University of California, Robert F. Holland, University of California, Carol W. Witham, University of California, Jennifer J. Buck, University of California, Roderick L. Macdonald, University of California

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