Serguei Ponomarenko, NatureServe Canada, William MacKenzie, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, and Donald McLennan, Parks Canada.
During the last 7 years there has been rapid development of the CNVC, following the initial Vegetation Classification Standard for Canada Workshop (2000). As a result of this workshop, the CNVC Steering and Techical Committees were developed, and to date have focused mostly on the development of the forest component of CNVC. Other components such as wetlands, grasslands and tundra are still in the initial stages of development. Canada has a geographically comprehensive Canadian Wetland Classification System (National Wetlands Working Group, 1990). This system is based on hydrology, landform and origin of wetlands, and the physiognomy of vegetation communities. A vegetation classification of wetlands to augment the existing classification is now needed. An initial comparison of CWCS and CNVC concepts would indicate that these two approaches can complement each other in an integrated wetland classification for Canada. We propose to develop the wetland component of CNVC by integrating plot-based provincial and other local classifications into a single set of conceptual units sharing common vegetation composition, ecological features and processes using the protocols developed during the CNVC boreal forest classification. This will include the following steps: 1. Collect existing plot data sources across Canada and merge them in a single VPro plot database; 2. Identify gaps in data, identify additional plot data collection needs, and direct funds, as available, to fill the gaps in the system; 3. Analyze plot data in successive iterations and produce draft associations at subnational or national levels as appropriate; 4.Create regional working groups to review classification.