Thursday, August 9, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
PS 61 - Evolutionary ecology
Determining barriers to fine-scale dispersal in two endangered migratory songbirds
N. R. Giridhar Athrey, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Denise Lindsay, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Kelly Barr, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Paul Leberg, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Easing the transition: Nutrition’s role in the host shift of a tumbling flower beetle from goldenrod stems to galls
Rita V. Schlanger, Bucknell University, Catherine P. Blair, Bucknell University, Warren G. Abrahamson, Bucknell University
Morphological variation of Yucca brevifolia (Agavaceae) among seven populations in the Mojave Desert
Tracy R. Valentovich, California State University, Fullerton, Darren R. Sandquist, California State University, Fullerton
Do differences in pollinator service affect selfing and outcrossing in the mixed-mating plant, Collinsia verna?
Frances N. Knapczyk, Michigan State University, Jeffrey K. Conner, Michigan State University
The nature of rare events in biophysical mechanisms, including mutations, underlying evolutionary and ecological processes
Mieczyslaw Remin, University of Silesia
Community heritability, repeatability, and stability: The arthropod community of Populus angustifolia over 3 years
Art R. Keith, Northern Arizona University, Joe Bailey, University of Tennessee, Thomas Whitham, Northern Arizona University
Ten years of varying lake level and selection on size-at-maturity in sockeye salmon
Stephanie M. Carlson, University of Washington, Thomas P. Quinn, University of Washington
Glyphosate-resistant Lolium (Poaceae): Population subdivision in the presence of selection on a new adaptive trait
Anna Sherwood, University of California Davis, Riaz Ahmad, University of California Davis, Marie Jasieniuk, University of California Davis
Evolving gene networks: Selection for evolvability and directional epistasis in variable environments
Christopher F. Steiner, Michigan State University, Christopher Klausmeier, Michigan State University
Early root growth traits in Helianthus
Larry C. Brouillette, University of Georgia, Lisa A. Donovan, University of Georgia
Role of plasticity and local adaptation in the colonization of lead-zinc soils by Thlaspi montanum
Judy P. Che, University of Maryland, College Park, David W. Inouye, University of Maryland
Fungal adaptation to spicy environments: Tradeoffs, local adaptation, and the potential for a coevolutionary arms race
Noelle J. Machnicki, University of Washington, Joshua J. Tewksbury, University of Washington
Local adaptation of monophagous insects on wild host plants at a regional scale
Ruth J. Guthrie, Lincoln University, Jon J. Sullivan, Lincoln University, Hannah L. Buckley, Lincoln University
The evolutionary physiology of the Cupressaceous conifers: The structure-function trade-offs associated with resistance to drought-induced embolism
Jarmila Pittermann, University of California, Todd Dawson Integrative Biology, University of California, Bruce Baldwin Integrative Biology, University of California
Is there a tradeoff between drought avoidance and drought tolerance?
Amanda R. Shores, San Jose State University, Susan C. Lambrecht, San Jose State University
Phylogenetic distribution of dauciform roots in North American sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae)
Vicky Bérubé, McGill University, Martin J. Lechowicz, McGill University, Marcia J. Waterway, McGill University
Phylogeography of Fouquieria splendens and related Fouquieria species: Evolutionary history of North American warm deserts from a botanical perspective
Joanna L. Redfern, University of New Mexico, Timothy K. Lowrey, University of New Mexico, David J. Hafner, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science

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See more of The ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)