Annual plants are thought to be critical in the diversity and functioning of desert ecosystems Results/Conclusions Field studies in the Mojave desert in 2008 and 2009 demonstrated that seed production is influenced by shifts in both pollen and resource availability throughout the flowering season. We determined pollen limitation by measuring seed set increase with supplemental pollination and the density of pollen tubes within stigmas. As the season progressed, outcrossing species became less pollen limited. Selfers demonstrated no pollen limitation and were less affected by resource availability than outcrossers. A decrease in resource availability was expressed by a reduction in flower size and number rather than a reduction in ovule or seed production. Fruit herbivory by the caterpillar Hyles lineata increased sharply towards the end of the season for all species. This demonstrates a strong cost to delay reproduction for both selfers and outcrosssers. Given a mismatch between plants and pollinators early in the season, there is an additional cost for the outcrossers to reproduce early. Greenhouse studies have further explored the role of pollen and resource availability in determining physiological and allocation patterns accompanying contrasting reproductive strategies. This study highlights the potential for decreased fitness in outcrossing species resulting from phenological mismatching given temporal and spatial variation in climate and population dynamics.